Should You Chase Trade Work in Facebook Groups ?

We’ve all been guilty of this, someone local wants some trade work done, usually something simple that’s a normal part of your trade.

They ask for recommendations, you put your business up for consideration.

Then you realise there’s 10 or 15 recommendations and they are all going to have a look at the job and provide a quote, your odds aren’t looking good.

They the ask for inexpensive and honest tradies, your honest and your dont over charge, so whats the problem ?
Well the problem is that people who are looking for “honest trades” is usually because they got burnt by an unlicensed contractor who did the job so cheap that it was never going to go well.

To win that kind of work you have to be the cheapest and go out of your way to make sure that everything is more than perfect, you cant trust job to your workers, you have to do the work yourself.

Our advise is always to respond to people seeking you out looking for work, if you chase the work then your no going to be getting the correct margin.

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